Hi, Donna here! I've been encouraging my husband to write the entries, but he has indicated that it is now my turn, and so I shall address "The Art of the Open Meal." Since I dis

covered this new way of eating because of my thyroid operation, I was very surprised that it had a name and many followers. If you are a strict "by the Paleo Diet Book" caveman, your diet would consist wholly of meats (non-wheat fed), vegetables, fruits, berries nuts, and seeds. This is almost impossible to follow, and I don't really think many people actua

lly do. However, built into the diet is the fudge factor called "Open Meal" which gets you off the hook sometimes. We incorporate open mealatude several ways, i.e. a little pita bread to hold salad and salsa. But while we are not really cave people, we try to be as "cavey" as we can, especially in avoiding processed foods. Here is an example of a raw fish meal that is perfectly cavey. And here is an example of (eek) a breaded fish meal, that is decidedly uncavey. We ate and enjoyed them both!
It is not impossible to follow a strict paleo diet. I've been doing it for 14 years. I went dairy-free 15 years ago. And I have been gluten-free for 20 years. The only straying from the diet is when eating out (generally only when traveling) and to get enough food to eat I will eat rice and potatoes. I have tried some coconut milk products with high fructose agave syrup to see what they are like, but agave syrup is not at all paleo.
ReplyDeleteTo see how I define the diet you can go here: Paleo diet explained.
Thanks Don-you were our first comment. I have been cavey since after my thyroid operation in February and I persuaded my wheat bellied husband to try it 4 months ago-as you can see, he went down a size (and I went down 2.) Better than that, we don't use antacids anymore. So far, works for us!